
Oliver lost his scripture bag a few weeks ago. He set it down on the train and then forgot and moved seats. When her remembered, he looked around and his bag was gone. I didn’t have much hope of finding it, but I asked...

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Austrian Military on Display

There was a holiday about the Austrian military, and the military set up tanks, boats, helicopters, and more right in front of the Burgtheater. The kids were really amazed to see all the equipment up close. They were a little...

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We love the restaurant Plachutta. Their main dish they serve is called Tafelspitz – it is a boiled beef and it is amazing. We told the kids we were taking them to a fancy restaurant that served Emperor Franz Josef’s...

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Sunday Funday

I love Sundays because of the random small moments of love that pop up now and then. Like Oliver holding Marion’s hand on the way to the bus stop. Snuggles and selfies on the bus! Marion and Daddy went home a different way...

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