Peaceful Sunday Snow

Over the weekend James got really sick, so Chris stayed home from church while I took the other three. We headed out pretty early in the morning and it was snowing. The city was beautifully quiet and still so early, with untouched snow everywhere and lots of big snowflakes falling on us.


When we saw that we had to wait ten minutes for the bus, we decided to walk instead. The kids thought it would be warmer to walk than stand still at the bus! It was such a magical morning. The kids were all so happy, the city was still sleeping, and no one complained about the cold or the walk. The snowflakes looked like “Elsa snowflakes” – the pretty ones you see in the opening credits of Frozen.

The kids stopped to catch snowflakes on their tongue. I joined them and Oliver proudly told me how many he had caught all morning every single time he caught one. I think he was up to nine snowflakes by the time we got to church.


I am so grateful for every beautiful moment along the way to church that day. I had been stressed about James being sick, Marion had a lot of doctors appointments last week from some lingering problems she had over Christmas, and I have been a bit frustrated about getting the house back in order after the holidays. All of that melted away on our Sunday morning walk. All I saw was beauty in the world and my wonderful kids who are such a blessing. I love Sundays.


And I love these happy faces! Here’s to a New Year of magical moments, blessings, and feeling gratitude in our hearts for the little things that make life special.

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