Vienna Hohe Wand Wiese

There is a ski hill on the outskirts of Vienna, and even though welive on the outskirts of Vienna, it’s still about an hour from us bypublic transport… But we have gone a couple times to try out our new skis, and to...

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A Snowman Named Degobah

As it has been snowing so much we went outside during one of Ollie’s naps to play in the yard for a few minutes. (don’t worry Grandparents we checked on Ollie a few times) Elora always wants to build a snowman even...

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Snowy day, time to play

It has snowed pretty much every day for two three weeks. So we took Elora out for some sledding on the Rote Berge (the big hilly park near our house). Elora really liked sledding and kept singing “Casey Jr coming down the...

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Finally Legal…

So we’re finally legal residents of Vienna. Here’s what it took to get here. The process was very lengthy, but if you want to get a glimpse of the bureaucracy, take a look. I’m curious if the US is worse...

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More zoo time fun

It was a cold, blustery day filled with hufflumps and woozzles, so we decided to head to the zoo. On the way there we saw a team of no less than 3 grounds workers cutting down an old tree outside of the zoo.The more educated...

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Van Gogh Exhibit

There was a Van Gogh exhibit here that I really wanted to go to, but I kept forgetting until the last day… so off we went to the Albertina to see it and there was a huge crowd. It was awesome though, because they have to...

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