Lainzer Tiergarten

We had some nice weather so we took the kids out for a hike in the Vienna imperial hunting grounds. It’s not a far walk from our apartment, but you have to walk a good way up hill so you work up a nice sweat. We found...

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Happy July 4th!

We got together with some American friends for the 4th of July andwent to TGI Fridays in Vienna to celebrate America’s birthday Americanstyle. Unfortunately the waiters refused to sing “Happy BirthdayAmerica”...

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Easy Doctors Visit

We interrupt this Rhodes blogging to bring you an update on doctors in Vienna. After both the kids and Chris got sick with what appears to be varying degrees of strep infections among all 3, we called a doctor’s office in...

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MexikoPlatz Cathedral

Chris wanted me to see a little slice of California in Vienna, so wewent to Mexikoplatz! Nothing says California like Mexico! This is called Mexikoplatz because when the Nazis took over Austria before WWII, Mexico was one of two...

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Schoenbrunn Zoo (again)!

Here are more pictures from the zoo. We went back a week ago, and it was the first zoo trip where Oliver was old enough to get really excited about the animals.There is a playground with a bunny and guinea pig pen. Oliver loved...

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MBA Palais Liechtenstein

So one of the perks of having an MBA program in a palace in Vienna is the catering. Viennese people love their coffee breaks so we have frequent 10 minute coffee breaks, some of which are catered with tasty treats like you see...

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Schönbrunn Garden

While Chris was at school this week, the kids and I headed to the Schönbrunn Gardens to enjoy the nice weather (it was sunny when we left the house anyway…) Oliver really wanted to play on the grass (he can’t read...

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