Yes, we am stupid…

Chris sounding off… I had to point this out to -everyone within earshot- because it’s way too cool.So I was checking out for some work-related inspiration (they scan in all the pages of old books and...

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The Blueberry Yogurt Incident

First I need to explain a couple things about shopping here in Vienna. They do not provide grocery bags, so you need to either bring your own (which is what I usually do) or you need to purchase a bag. Next, you bag your own...

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Some Elora Stories

Elora is cracking me up out here. She is getting so grown up and she loves to narrate everything we do. Here are a couple of my favorite stories: Just after we came here she wanted to go to her friend Spencer’s house. I...

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The Blog Begins

I gave into peer pressure and finally got a blog. But whenever someone says “myspace” I just think of my sewing room. So when I decided to get a blog, Chris thought he was being really funny and started calling us...

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