Some Elora Stories

Elora is cracking me up out here. She is getting so grown up and she loves to narrate everything we do. Here are a couple of my favorite stories:

Just after we came here she wanted to go to her friend Spencer’s house. I told her we couldn’t go because Spencer lives far away, and she said, “No! They are there!”

I observed her playing with her toys later, and she had named her toys Spencer, Maddie, McCray, and Clay (friends from Glendale). She had them all lined up in the window, and was telling them that it was time to go home. (It makes me smile and want to cry all at the same time).

Today she told me she wanted to send a message to Aunt Sharon. She climbed up in the computer chair, and I typed an email with exactly what she told me to write. She wanted to make sure that I told Sharon we were going to the zoo today. So I sent the very strange email, and we went to the zoo. When we walked in the door she ran to the computer and yelled, “Aunt Sharon! We are home from the zoo now!”

When we walked to the train station the other day, Elora started saying, “Casey is coming, Casey is coming!” and then proceeded to sing the Casey Jr. song from Dumbo (Casey Jr. is the circus train in Dumbo). Now everytime we go to the train station she gets really excited when the train comes and tells me that we get to ride on Casey. I am glad that she loves the train so much since she will be riding it a lot… I wonder when the novelty will wear off?

And this morning Oliver was playing with some of Elora’s toys. She proceeded to take them away from him and when I asked her to give some of the toys back she ran over to me with one of Ollie’s toys in her hand and yelled, “Oliver is sharing with me, Mama!” Yes honey, Oliver is good at sharing… I can’t wait until he is big enough to take the toys back.

Check out our picture gallery for more pictures of our European adventures as well as hiking trips in Utah and family photos.

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