Kids Hike Around Town

Chris took the kids out hiking in the hills of Glendale while I stayed home with a sleeping James. He wanted to try out his new camera and the kids wanted to try out their new bow and arrow toy. Oliver loves to pee outside...

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Pioneer Day

Last summer for Pioneer Day we decided to enter the parade. We made some props to put on our truck to turn it into a covered wagon. The theme was “Faith in Every Footstep” so I had the kids help me made a nice...

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Fourth of July

Elora and Oliver have been wanting to have a lemonade stand, so last year on the Fourth of July I told them they could have one. Oliver wanted to sell cookies and Elora wanted to sell lemonade. James is just cute, so here...

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Girl Scouts

Here are some fun photos of our cute Girl Scouts last summer working on different projects. I never intended to be a Girl Scout leader, but I am so glad that circumstances brought me to this unexpected experience. The girls are...

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Town Clean-up Day

I took the kids with me to help at the town clean-up day. Oliver doesn’t like to weed AT ALL, but I convinced him that it was important to help. He also liked using the weeding tool. He was SO proud of himself after...

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Elora’s Girl Scout Investiture

Elora joined Girl Scouts this year. My mom is the leader and I am the assistant. It has been fun to be in Girl Scouts again. I was a scout for 11 years; my mom was my leader for 10 of those years. It is a great organization and...

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Here is Elora with our cute little kittens. She likes to take them into the yard so they can enjoy the sunshine. James loves cats. He makes cute little noises at them, but he is not always nice, so we were trying to let...

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MaryAnne Comes to Visit!

  Last month our friend MaryAnne came to visit us! She lives in Vienna but came out to tour western USA for a month and we are so glad that she could stop by our place. We went for a short hike near our house and the kids...

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October Fun

  We went to the park in St. George a couple weeks ago while waiting for Chris’ shuttle to arrive. James sure does love to slide with his big sister!     We always go to the Olive Garden with Chris...

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Teeball season was in May. We were out of town for part of it and sick for part of it, but luckily the kids’ coach was really understanding and just told me to bring the kids when we could come. So we had a short season...

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