Crystal Cove Beach California

Chris went on a business trip to California in August, so I went and stayed with my sister Sharon. We went to the beach one day which was so nice because the kids had been asking to go to the beach since we got home from Hawaii. Cameron was so sweet and took Oliver out in the ocean and helped him jump over the waves.
Oliver informed me later that he was being Batman, Superman, and Spiderman while jumping with Cameron. Apparently each super hero had a unique jump. Cameron is such an awesome cousin.
James ate some sand, dug in the sand, ate some more sand, and dug in the sand some more. Marion also enjoyed playing in the sand.
Someone showed Elora how to dig for sand crabs, so she spent the rest of the day at the beach catching sand crabs and showing them to us. I think sand crabs are freaky, so I tried to act excited when she showed me. It was a fun afternoon with the cousins.

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