The snow storm moved its way over to our house and we ended up with enough snow to play in!!! Yay, the first snow of the season!!! (This was a few weeks ago, now it is back to being beautiful fall weather). The first thing Oliver said after it snowed? “It is winter now! Is it almost Christmas?”

We got Marion all bundled and let her walk around. The snow was a little deep for her, but she was determined to walk around! She liked eating snow too.

There was not a ton of snow, but the kids really wanted to build a snowman. It was perfect snowman snow, better than we have ever had in our own yard. And I was pleasantly surprised when the kids were able to do most of the work themselves!

The kids had a great time finding arms, a nose, eyes, and of course… an apple for a hat. I love autumn snow! And I loved that it was warm enough out that no one got too cold to play! Oliver has asked repeatedly if he can go skiing now, but the snow all melted in a couple days and hasn’t come back… yet.