Grandpa’s Birthday

My Dad’s birthday was at the end of March, actually on the day he took us to the Wild Animal Park. Dad had to pick up (my brother) Gregg and (his wife) Vy at the airport late that night in a rainstorm, so we had to have his party super late after they got back. We let the kids put on their pajamas and wait up for cake with Grandpa on his special day. Dad asked for red velvet cake, so I looked up Alton Brown’s recipe for red velvet cake, since we had just watched his show about it a couple days before!

We always use the appropriate amount of candles in my family. This year dad got an entire two and a half boxes totaling 67 candles to blow out. It is always fun to first, get them all on the cake, and second, get them all lit without having them all melted on the cake. Elora was actually scared of the amount of fire on top of the cake, you can see her concerned face as Grandpa tries to blow out all the candles. And the best part? My dad is the only person in the family who can actually blow out all his candles with one breath.

On the weekend we went out to dinner at a fish restuarant at Dana Point Harbor with Sharon’s family to celebrate Dad’s special day. Elora loves fish and chips, so she was excited to order some. Here she is licking her food for some bizarre reason…

And I absolutely love how sweet and happy these cousins look in this picture. Elora and Oliver LOVE Cameron and Aidan, and had a great time walking around the docks with them. We were sad that it was a bit cold and we couldn’t stay longer, but it was nice to see them for a little while and it was great to be with Grandpa on his special day!

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