Sarita’s Birthday – What’s Om-Om spelled backwards?

Our good friend Sarita had a birthday last week, so we went over to celebrate. We were planning on having a BBQ on the Danube river, but it was so rainy we changed plans at the last minute. Naturally, the typical Vienna weather kicked in and it was bright and sunny that day.

Nepali food is wonderful! Momo, basmati rice, some kind of chicken, and a couple salads. Yum. Momo is a great party food if you don’t mind making everyone join in the assembly line!

Elder Wilde is back in Vienna (second from the right). He was here a few months ago, and now’s he back. He’s only got a few weeks left on his mission, and he’s really grown up a lot since we last saw him. Elder Boyer (far right) is a good Utah boy. It’s awesome, because he definitely seems to be one of those who doesn’t quite know what to do with ethnic food. Just watching him is a fun excercise in seeing someone try to be polite, but wondering if he really wants to be eating this!

But we’re not very polite… and we love Momo anyway. Last time we ate way too much Momo, but this time, we had some extra people along, and some other dishes, so we didn’t overdose too much. The one problem with Momo is your mouth tastes like onion the next morning. Worse than ever. Really, it tastes like you got up in the middle of night and started eating a raw onion and then went back to bed. When we make the Momo back home, we’re definitely making onions a minor ingredient, not a 1:1 ratio of onion to meat!

Here we are with the birthday cake. Notice Oliver in the background playing with the DVD players — yes they have 3 of them for some reason and Oliver likes to open and close them all.

We didn’t have enough candles, and didn’t know Sarita’s age anyway. We think she’s 24-25, but she wouldn’t confirm. Here’s Elora helping blow out the candles!

The kids like ice cream, but really love Om. Oliver was excited by the huge tub of ice cream and started digging in. Om showed him how it’s supposed to be done.

Oliver thought that was pretty funny.

Elora gets in on the fun too. She’s more into the story telling with Om. She takes all their stuffed animals or statues, etc. and makes him tell stories about them. And loves to make funny faces with him.

The kids love going to Om & Sarita’s house. Whenever Ollie gets to hear them on the phone he say, “Om! Momo!” and Elora says, “Do you want some Momo? I don’t like Momo!” Funny kids… they refuse to eat it, but then again, the refuse to eat just about anything when we’re at someone’s house or when we have company over at our house.

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