Skiing in Kühtai!

Greetings from Kuhtai! We’re skiing this week in a tiny little town about 30 miles outside of Innsbruck, Austria. The town is the highest elevation ski-town in Austria and has a population of 13 in the summer time and about...

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Skiing to Italy!

Here we are in Sparky’s, our favorite bar with free wifi and really good potato wedges. We spent a lot of time there checking our email and blogging. And Amy needed to chat with her boyfriend! Okay, so we sat...

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Zermatt Skiing

Our first day in Zermatt! It was neat to wake up, look out the window and see the Matterhorn. The day was perfect blue skies and not too cold, a great day to start our trip. We stopped by a pastry shop to grab some treats...

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Only 15 Hours to Zermatt!

So we woke up at 4:00am to head out to Zermatt. It should be about a ten hour drive and then we take a taxi or train into the town… so we loaded up the car and headed out. Bet all you Californians didn’t know...

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Last Day in Rome

Here is the grand finale of the Rome trip: Our last night in Rome we ordered a pizza… the best part of the pizza in Rome is the cheese, so a got a four cheese pizza. This is how we discovered that most pizza in Rome does...

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