Vienna skiing at the Park!

Day 2 of the late November snowfall in Vienna! Most of the city didn’t get as much snow as we did. Since we’re on the outskirts, a little higher up we tend to get more snow (and less wind, thankfully). We hiked over...

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The beautiful fall weather has left us, but we don’t mind because it started snowing over the weekend! Here is Elora and Oliver hanging their hands out the window to catch the first snowflakes of the season. As you can see...

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A Snowman Named Degobah

As it has been snowing so much we went outside during one of Ollie’s naps to play in the yard for a few minutes. (don’t worry Grandparents we checked on Ollie a few times) Elora always wants to build a snowman even...

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Snowy day, time to play

It has snowed pretty much every day for two three weeks. So we took Elora out for some sledding on the Rote Berge (the big hilly park near our house). Elora really liked sledding and kept singing “Casey Jr coming down the...

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A Snowman Named Non

We got a lot of snow last week (for Vienna anyway), and it was perfect snow for making a snowman. Elora was really excited because she asks to build a snowman every time she sees even a tiny bit of snow on the ground.Little...

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The First Snow

We had our first snow awhile back. It actually does not snow that much in Vienna, instead it just gets cold, but without all the fun fluffy stuff. We did get enough to scrape together a little snowman. By the time the snow man...

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