
Our church had a Thanksgiving party, so we packed up some turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie and headed over to the dinner. Oliver hadn’t taken a nap, and fell asleep just before we arrived. He spent the...

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General Conference with the kids

General Conference weekend was fun. Oliver and Elora already love to listen to little talks, stories and hymns thanks to these videos. But since conference is a bit longer, we decided to make it fun. First we built a little tent...

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The last day of Grandma’s visit with us, we decided to travel to the town of Melk and see the big monastery there. We were excited to travel somewhere new to explore. Here we are taking the train. This is how it goes...

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Tower of London

On to day two of the London tour! We decided to go to the Tower of London because Elora really really really wanted to see the crown jewels. I am not kidding, she was so excited. First a little story about Elora before we came to...

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London walking tour

On this day we spent a lot of time walking all over London. This was the same day we were at the British Museum. Afterwards we went to Buckinham Palace and hung out at St. James Park.Here we are at Buckingham Palace. We...

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Church BBQ

Our church had a barbeque a couple weeks back to celebrate the 30th anniversary of when our stake was organized in Vienna (or something like that, people spoke in German a lot so I may have gotten the number of years...

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