Kindergarten Graduation

Elora graduated from Kindergarten! And the ceremony was quite a big deal with cute little graduation robes and everything. I asked Elora if she wanted to wear a nice dress, and she said, “No! I will be wearing a red...

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Trip to Grandma’s House

The last time we came to California, it was around Easter. I didn’t have a camera and borrrowed my mom’s camera to take pictures, but forgot to get the pics from her… so a few months late, here are some cute...

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Marion Bear

Here are some pictures of our sweet little Marion. She grows both sweeter and more feisty by the day, which keeps our life VERY interesting. She LOVES her Teddy that Elora gave her for Christmas, and has learned to say...

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Elora and Oliver’s Dance Recital

Elora and Oliver took dance again this spring. They absolutely love dancing and their teacher Miss Heidi. Elora’s ballet was a song about an inchworm. She loved this song and dance, and we even caught a rare performance...

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My blogger account wasn’t letting me upload pictures, so I am a bit behind on blogging since I never bothered to figure out why for a month or so… Here are pictures from May. The kids both played teeball and got to...

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Easter Egg Hunt

We got home from a trip to California just in time to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Elementary School. Luckily I found some Easter baskets in the basement so the kids had baskets to use. Here is Oliver in his...

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Elora’s Birthday

Elora wanted a pirate themed birthday party this year. She dressed up in her pirate costume, invited the whole kindergarten class, and to preserve my sanity, I reserved the town hall instead of trying to have a party with 20 kids...

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Kurtos Kalacs

Okay, for those who never saw our blog posts when we lived in Vienna, there were these amazing pastries called Kurtos Kalacs. They are traditionally cooked over a pit of coals, but also sold at little stands using electric...

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Wire Pass

A few months ago our friend Peter from Vienna came to visit. We wanted to hike out to “The Wave”, but they only give out a few permits, and alas, I did not get one. So I asked the ranger where to go and he recommended...

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Funny Kids

Well, we are officially many months behind, but here are some fun pictures of the kids I have been collecting… I taught a mommy and me music class this winter. Oliver loves music class, and it often continues all through...

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