Therme Wien

To continue with our way behind blog posting… we tried out this awesome thermal spa in Vienna called Therme Wien. There are a whole bunch of different swimming pools, inside, outside, warm, cold, warmer, different mineral...

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Goose Dinner

Every November is goose season in Vienna. Chris’ MBA class got together for a goose dinner at a restaurant here in Vienna. Since Grandma was visiting, she agreed to watch the kids, and we headed out to dinner! It was...

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Halloween Pancakes – Flashback

So, way back before Halloween, Nana brought us some Halloween shaped pancake makers, along with some other fun stuff. On Halloween, we made some tasty pancakes. Can you count them? 1 pancake, 2 pancake, 3 pancake, muuhahahah. We...

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Making Cookies

They don’t sell chocolate chips in Austria, so instead we buy huge bars of chocolate for 1 Euro to chop up and put in our cookies. Chris decided to let the kids try out the chocolate before he chopped it up. No wonder they...

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