James enjoyed going out to mexican food in Arizona. He mostly likes sticking food and ice cubes in his mouth, smiling, spitting, and being a goober. What a cutie!

James kept looking at me funny, I think he was wondering why I was taking his picture when he was just playing with a flashlight.

Oliver got this big lego set for Christmas. It took almost a month, with a few major setbacks and redos to put it all together! He loves it and uses it as a base for the ninja turtle legos, the police legos, and every other toy. He also loves to take it apart and modify it. It was so hard to put together I am not sure it will ever end up looking like this again now that he has started changing it…

Oliver gets the Lego Club Jr. magazine. There are always little contests in them, so Oliver often builds things and asks us to take his picture for the contests. Here was his rocket lego.

This was his hideout lego. He will be entering this lego contest. Notice that the hideout includes wheels so it can drive, and also little jails to trap any police that discover the hideout.

She is such a crazy little girl. I think she is meowing at the block she is holding. It has a picture of a cat on it. Usually Marion forgoes the princess dress ups and dresses up as a cat instead. We have cat ears, but instead of a cat tail she uses a dinosaur tail.

We went to Cal Ranch to get fence posts for our vineyard that Chris is making in the backyard. Cal Ranch is a super fun store with great toys. The kids stayed occupied at this toy display for a good half hour.

There was also a fun car to sit in! This is my favorite store to come in while Chris has to buy stuff because the kids always find fun things to do.

I was looking at our Cal Ranch shopping cart and realized that it actually came from Food 4 Less. There aren’t any Food 4 Less stores here in St. George, but I guess they got some carts from an old Food 4 Less somewhere and stuck a Cal Ranch sticker over the Food 4 Less logo. I thought it was kind of funny…

We did a few small projects in our house. I have been looking for a hook for this cow bell for 6 years now and finally realized I should look for a planter hook. I found one I really liked, and voila! Who doesn’t need a cowbell hanging in the kitchen. More cowbell!

I bought some hooks for the kids’ aprons so they could reach them themselves instead of having them hanging up high.

This table was originally orange (with peeling paint). So during some nice weather in January and February I stripped the old paint and repainted in cream. The kids helped me do stencils on it, and I even ordered little knobs with carved metal. I love it! It holds Chris’ stereo equipment much better than our old end table. What a great yard sale find! And I am especially glad that I finally refinished it and got it out of the garage.

We finished our furnace room into a really big pantry/storage room. It looks like a grocery store and I love it. We used to call this room the dungeon, and now it is one of the best rooms in the house. The kids love to go down there and help put food away.

The kids were part of a mail valentine exchange with other homeschooled kids in the state. They each sent/got twenty valentines. I thought this little twinkie minion was super cute. My kids have never had twinkies, so it was hilarious when Oliver was eating his: “Look Elora, this is so good, it is corn bread with frosting in the middle!!!”

Little James doesn’t love riding in the car, so when he looks like this, we are super happy. We love this sweet boy. These are all things we did for the first half of February/end of January. The last half of February, Chris went out of town and the rest of us got the flu. It was awful, I was sick for two and a half weeks, and most of the kids were sick for at least a week too. So it is really weird to find that March is already in full swing, I keep wondering what happened to February???