There was a little pool where the kids could pet some animals. Elora loves this kind of thing and got to pet a sea cucumber, a sea urchin (It’s so pokey!), a little sea turtle, and a starfish. Oliver usually does NOT want to do this kind of thing, so I was really surprised when he giggled as he leaned over to pet starfish and sea cucumbers. He was not interested in touching the pokey sea urchin though.

Elora was so excited to pet the little turtle. It was funny though because she asked the lady what the turtles name is. The lady said, “There is an H on his shell so his name is H”. This made no sense to Elora because “H” is not a name, so she asked again and the lady again said the turtle’s name is “H”. Really? She couldn’t have called him Henry or Harrison or Happy Hanu?

There was a playground at Sea Life Park, which was awesome because when Marion found out we were going to Sea Life Park she said, “Park? Will there be swings? I love slides!” I was so relieved to see they actually did have a park with slides. The kids all loved it.

Marion is a sweet big sister and really wanted to take James on the slide. I am not sure what James thought of it, but Marion loved it.

We went over to the Marine Base in Kaneohe for lunch and Grampy took the kids to see some planes, helicopters, and artillery that is on display there. Elora liked posing on everything.

There is a replica of the Iwo Jima Memorial on this base, so we took the kids over to see it and talked to them about the war and what the statue represented. I am not sure they understand, but Elora seems to understand that it is important to learn about these monuments we take her to.

The kids found some hibiscus flowers on the ground and gave one to James. He tried to eat it. I don’t imagine they taste very good, but he likes chewing on a lot of things that don’t taste good.

Oliver found this great hill to run down. He was pretending to be on Splash Mountain and putting his hands up as we went down the big hill. So funny.

We went to the Outback because I remember coming to Hawaii years ago and having really great fish at this place. Marion had fun arranging and rearranging the menus while we waited. Some of them had a “bite” taken out of the side and she thought that was sad.
What a great end to a great day! Sunset views and a really amazing meal of fish with some happy funny kids.