We are lucky enough to be spending the month of July in Hawaii! Chris’ parents invited us to stay with them in their condo. So we packed up our four kids with three very tightly packed carry-ons and headed out July 1st!

Here we are getting off our first flight in San Francisco. I haven’t gotten off a plane onto the runway in America before. It was kind of fun to get to see the planes up close. The kids thought it was great! We were split up on this flight, so Chris got Marion and I had the others. Oliver had to sit across the aisle from me, so luckily he was sitting next to a very nice man who let him look out the window sometimes and was very patient. THANK YOU to all the travelers we flew with who were nice to my kids and patient with them too.

We had to get up at 4am so Marion watched Winnie the Pooh on Chris’s tablet and then fell asleep. Those who have traveled with Marion will understand what a blessing that was! The July movie was supposed to be some adult drama, but luckily the plane hadn’t changed to the July movie yet, so we go to watch the June movie, Oz the Great and Powerful. Elora and Oliver loved it. And the people behind me played peek a boo with James for an hour straight, so we had a pretty great flight.

We arrived in the morning, went out for lunch, and headed for the pool! I know, there are beaches in Hawaii, but the pool was great too. The kids all picked out new goggles to wear at the pool and finished swim lessons just a couple days before we arrived, so the kids were excited to start swimming. Marion was excited to put the goggles on her head and pick flowers.

Elora is our little fish. She has loved the water since she was a baby and she has become so comfortable in the water. It has been awesome to watch her swimming and confidence in the water improve.

Marion doesn’t love getting in the water, so she puts on her floaties and hangs out on the steps of the pool. We bought some squirt guns which have also been a lot of fun in the pool.

Last year Oliver refused to put his face in the water. This year in swimming lessons he would occasionally put his face in the water. But in Hawaii he has become so excited about the water. Squirt guns, splashing, jumping in the pool, and he has started swimming without his floaties. So fun to play with this little guy in the pool.

Chris learned to swim when he was a baby, so he likes to introduce our kids to the water pretty young. James didn’t know what to think about being dunked at first, but now he loves the water and tries to dive in the pool all on his own.

We tried to take her in the pool a few times, but she always wanted to go right back to her place on the steps.

Elora NEVER wants to stop swimming. She will swim for hours and never want to leave. It is so fun to watch Elora swim, she get so excited and loves every second of it.