This is a collection of random photos of some of my favorite little people.

Marion loves James (sometimes a little TOO much) and she also loves Dad. So they all rock on the rocking chair together. Whenever Chris or I sit in a rocking chair with James, Marion is not far behind.

We went to the Home Show in Orderville and Glendale this winter. It is a fundraiser and we had never gone before. There was dinner with music playing. Marion and Oliver danced together while the rest of us finished our dinner. It was pretty fun to see some houses in the Valley where we had never been, and fun to meet new people too! There was one home with a really nice organ (in a room added onto their house especially for the organ) and Oliver LOVED it. He even got to try out the organ.

James got a really great hat for Christmas from Auntie Sharon and he really loves it. He looks so snuggly.