Marion is just so cute that I end up taking a lot of pictures of her just playing. Two year olds are so fun (when they are not yelling at you) because they are curious, love to explore, and show so much joy about simple things. Marion figured out how to make Elora’s jewelry box play music, and she was oh so proud of herself.
Big girl trying on her ski boot liners for the first time and so happy to be a part of skiing this year!
She loved wearing santa hats in December and she also loves chocolate in case you couldn’t tell.
Marion doesn’t have a chef’s hat, but she likes to borrow Elora’s when she helps me cook (by taking all my spatulas out of the jar and waving them around, chewing on them, and occasionally actually stirring something).

Marion LOVES cats, especially our cat Scamper. Scamper doesn’t love Marion, but she does love coming inside to warm up, so she was being nice to Marion on this day.

Marion – it is so fun to watch you grow up, listen to you chatter and narrate everything you do, hear you giggle as you run around, and sometimes it is even fun to chase after you with a washcloth after you eat in a futile effort to spare the couch from further stains! Thanks for bringing so many smiles and laughs into our house.