After Christmas, we drove straight up to our condo in Brian Head to spend time as a family and enjoy some skiing!
Marion loves skiing with Chris holding her on his skis, so we decided to put Marion on Oliver’s skis let her try it out!
She was SO excited to try skiing for the first time! It was snowing and there was tons of powder, but that didn’t stop our determined little Marion.
Chris is a great ski teacher for our kids. He really makes it fun for them to learn. Here he is giving Marion her instructions.
Then he held her on her first run so she could get the feel of skiing.
Next it was time for Chris to pull her skis down the mountain! This helps him to control the speed while Marion figured out her balance.
Marion was having so much fun! She is barely two, and already so excited about this sport. She has spent a lot of time watching everyone else ski, I guess she figured now it is her turn!
Chris really gets a workout walking up and down the mountain carrying Marion.
Marion took a little break to eat mass quantities of snow. She LOVES snow, and loves skiing.
By the end of her first try skiing, she could actually stay up and ski down small distances without falling. We are amazed, we really didn’t expect her to be able to do it! She is the youngest kid we have taught, and she is already getting the hang of it. Way to go Marion Bear!