My parents had free passes to Legoland and my kids have not been since Elora was two and Oliver was a baby… I love winter in California, because it was a beautiful warm day and the kids all had a great time. This was the first ride we saw. Elora was too scared to ride, but as you can see, Oliver was SUPER excited.

Here is the Lego version of the teacups, which Grandpa and I declined to ride – but as you can see, everyone who rode had a great time.

Oliver was the only kid who wanted to ride this roller coaster. He was SO excited, but I think the big drop may have freaked him out just a bit. It didn’t dampen his enthusiasm to try every ride, however.

Next we headed to an area with smaller rides that all the kids were big enough to go on. These little planes were a huge hit with all the kids.

Grandpa was a really good sport and rode the planes at least eight times with Marion, who is too small to go on a lot of rides, but really enjoyed this ride! From then on, Marion and Grandpa were best buddies.

I think this ride is so cute. The little horses gallop around a track. Elora really loved riding the horses. Marion was SO SAD that she was not big enough to go. There were lots of tears until Grandpa very nicely asked if she wanted to go back and ride the airplanes some more.

There is a huge area with Lego models. Right now there is a big Star Wars exhibit which we all really enjoyed.

Oliver had lots of questions about every single Star Wars exhibit. He has never seen Star Wars, but loves everything about it anyway! The music, the books, the pictures, the Legos…

There are also replicas of cities made out of Legos, which are really amazing. What a great job to get to build all these fantastic Lego displays!

This area had a trolley, and Oliver LOVES trolleys. He had to stay and watch the trolley drive back and forth quite a few times before we got to move on. He was also being lazy and made me push him in the stroller that we brought for Marion. But since Marion always wants to walk or be carried that worked out okay.

Marion was a little nervous to meet the Lego man, but the older kids were SO happy. They are at such a fun age to go to amusement parks!

Here is Marion waiting because for each ride the kids needed a grown up to go with them. Thank goodness Grandma and Grandpa were there so we had a lot of grownups…

These boats were so funny, because they are not on a track. The kids could actually steer them where ever they wanted to go. There were kids who got turned around backwards, and Elora actually has a tough time steering things. Grandpa helped her out a little bit…

Oliver thought it was hilarious to steer his boat into the railings, so he kept bumping it back and forth on purpose and laughing hysterically. So funny.

James thought Legoland was really great too… It is funny, because they don’t let you take babies on almost any ride at Legoland, but if you go to Disneyland, babies can go on tons of rides. Oliver went on Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland when he was a few months old, but here in Legoland James mostly rode in the stroller or the baby carrier.

Marion decided it would be okay to ride with Mom once and a while too… Grandpa got to take a baby James break.

Here was James one and only ride. You get to ride in a boat and see scenes from famous stories. It was so cute, all the kids were totally entranced by the scenery.

Even Grandpa enjoyed looking around. James seemed to like the ride until we went in a tunnel to see Aladdin’s treasure and then he started screaming! Out of no where! And as soon as we came out of the tunnel he stopped. So odd…

Chris found a great shawarma restaurant that was nearby and wanted to check it out. My parents had never tried shawarma, so we thought it would be fun. Elora ordered the chicken kebab and LOVED it. Such a cute girl.
Yum! Such good food. We had a really great day, all the kids had a fun time. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for such a fun visit!