While in California, we celebrated my nephew Aidan’s birthday. He is so grown up now, I can’t believe it. Time flies so fast when it comes to kids. I don’t have any pics from the birthday party, but I was so amused to watch Oliver and Drakey play together that I had to take some pictures…

Oliver insisted on wearing his Christmas outfit – he really loves it and wore it pretty much every day after I finished his bow tie. Oliver found this shopping cart and was collecting toys in it.

Drakey would take the toy over to Grandpa and either toss it on his lap or decorate him with it. And then Drakey would go back to Oliver for another toy. They played their little game for a solid twenty minutes – which if you have ever met these two boys, it is amazing that they got along so well for so long with all the toy sharing that was required in this game, and amazing that they kept playing the same game without getting bored! Grandpa was such a good sport. I think he even caught a little nap while being decorated.