Elora had picture day at school and wanted to dress up very fancy. Oliver saw the clothes she had laid out and decided he wanted to be fancy too, so he laid out his church clothes to wear. The kids got up early and dressed up in their nice clothes and decided to pose for some pictures at home – Elora said, “So Oliver can have picture day too!”
After Elora left for school, Oliver wanted to hold James. Oliver loves his baby brother, and often talks about how cute he is and how James is very special to us.
James has become very interested in all the kids. He loves to watch them play or just look at their faces and study them.
Marion wanted to hold James too. She is very good at sitting still so I can lay James on her lap. Here she is pointing at his face and saying, “Baby James!” She always points at his face when she first sees him each day. Marion likes to say, “Marion has blue eyes. Mommy has blue eyes too! James has blue eyes like Marion!!!”
James started smiling a lot while his brother and sister held and talked to him. These are the first big smiles I have been able to catch on camera! He really loves his siblings and they all do such a great job taking care of their new baby brother.