This is a random post of different kid pictures that we took this summer…

Oliver loves this t-shirt he got from his cousin, as well as his “treasure hunting hat”. And I don’t know why he was making that face, but I think it’s funny.

Here is Marion playing on the rocking horse. This is how she spends a lot of her time! She loves horses.

When we went to the fair this summer, Elora spent a lot of time at a booth that was teaching about noxious weeds. Elora loves plants, and really enjoyed looking at all the books. The man who ran the booth told her she could have the books if she promised to study them. True to her word, we spent a lot of time reading the noxious weed books this summer, and now she can proudly point out many of them when we go outside. Marion and Oliver also talk about noxious weeds, and Oliver even made up a song about them.