Museum of Making Music

My mom found this great museum about music for the kids to go to. We had a great time and I hope we’ll be able to visit it again sometime. There are tons of displays where the kids actually get to try out instruments or push buttons to play different songs. It was really a great little place.

Here is Oliver marching to music by John Philip Sousa.

Oliver loved all the guitars. I was impressed that Grandma knows so much about playing them. Has she been hiding talent from us all these years?

Any museum with lots of buttons is a hit with Oliver. He had a GREAT time pushing all the buttons and hearing the sounds they made. This particular station had sounds from different instruments. He really liked the accordion the best.

There were headphones to wear so you could hear what you were playing without disturbing the other museum patrons.

Another favorite instrument that I can see in my future…

Happy Marion! She liked hearing all the music and pushing the buttons too.

And playing the drums, of course. Who doesn’t love hitting things with sticks?

There was a station which had videos of music from different eras. Elora loved all the older music. It was pretty funny to see which songs were her favorite. She was a big Elvis fan.

Marion decided to try out the guitar. After seeing the way she tried to pull the strings, I decided she should go back to the drums…

Elora LOVED the harp. She was so cute playing it, and kept coming back to it after trying other instruments.

Oliver had a great time jamming on the “little guitar”.

Here is Elora saying, “Look how BIG this saxophone is!!!!” The kids all thought that was pretty cool to see a saxophone taller than them.

Wow! A picture where all the kids are sort of looking in my direction! What a major accomplishment! This museum was great, I would love to take the kids back again. They all had a really great time.

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