My blogger account wasn’t letting me upload pictures, so I am a bit behind on blogging since I never bothered to figure out why for a month or so…
Here are pictures from May. The kids both played teeball and got to be on the same team. It was fun to watch them play. I think teeball is an absolutely hilarious sport. Perhaps baseball is a bit complicated for four year olds…

Whenever Oliver was in the outfield, he ended up sitting on the ground or rolling in the grass or pretending his glove was a spaceship. He needs to be where the ball is actually being thrown or hit to stay involved in the game!

After the first game, Oliver was playing with the bat and we figured out that he is actually a left handed batter! It made such a big difference when we switched sides for him. He loves batting the ball and would do this all day if we let him.

He also loved running around the bases. He liked it so much that when he played third base he would try to run home with the runner.

Elora LOVES to run. She got so excited when it was time to bat, because that meant she got to run too. She informed me and all the coaches that she wanted to play soccer because there is more running in that sport. Alas, there is no soccer team here. One day we will remedy that problem…

Here is the team with coach Rachel. My kids love Rachel and now frequently ask if they can go play at her house… Here are the kids on the team – back row, left to right: Elora, Boede, Ethan, Warren, Waylon, Justin. Front row, left to right: Oliver, Kaylee, Kaitlyn, Logan.

This picture is blurry, but LOOK! Oliver actually got the ball and is trying to throw it somewhere!!!! This was a very exciting moment. I think it may have only happened once in the season…

This was my favorite part of every practice and game – my two little teeballers holding hands and running home together.

I got to take the team pictures and pictures of the kids. Very interesting experience… I did eventually get pretty cute pics of all the kids, and the hardest ones where my own kids! Here Elora is wearing the coveted pink helmet. We had a couple little girls on the team who would refuse to go to bat on their turn if the pink helmet was not available. After awhile we learned it was easiest just to plan the batting order accordingly…
Marion also loved teeball. She got to come to all the practices and games since I was helping with the team. Here she is trying on a batting helmet. It was rough keeping her off the field, she liked to throw extra balls out to the team, run to the outfield to pick dandelions, try to bat, and run off the find Elora on the field. We tried to keep the dugout well stocked with balls for Marion to throw…