Elora wanted a pirate themed birthday party this year. She dressed up in her pirate costume, invited the whole kindergarten class, and to preserve my sanity, I reserved the town hall instead of trying to have a party with 20 kids in my house.

We started the party off by decorating cardboard pirate swords, which quickly turned into a massive sword fight. Luckily cardboard swords bend if you try to hit anyone too hard…

We also had eye patches for all the kids to wear. This is Elora’s friend Shayne all decked out as a pirate.

I made a big poster for the wall and we played pin the eye patch on the pirate. Elora actually got her eye patch right on the girl pirate. Here Ani is a little off course though…

We had a pirate treasure hunt where the kids got to search for pirate booty such as play dough, sidewalk chalk, a little candy, and nice sticks to tie their pirate flags onto.

Elora had not seen her cake before the party. She really liked the little decorations. For the last year (literally) – she has been telling me she wanted a pumpkin cake for her birthday. I think it started when we talked about growing pumpkins to use for pies, soup, etc. She somehow thought up pumpkin cake and has insisted on it ever since. So I found a great recipe from Rachael Ray and made a pumpkin cake. The funny part? Elora doesn’t really like cake and never eats it that well, but she LOVED this cake and even asked for seconds. Because I make pumpkin muffins, Oliver tried the cake and asked me if there were muffins in it. I guess this flavor of cake is a hit with the kids to be made again!

I loved watching all the little girls when Elora was opening her presents. They all ooohhhed and aaaawwwed over every little thing. It was so sweet.

And Elora was very cute and excited about all her gifts. She loves this cute pirate Minnie Mouse shirt she got from her friend Karlie, and especially loves the matching bow.

Elora got her first ever bike. It is sort of funny because I guess most kids have at least started to learn riding a bike by now, but in Vienna they were too expensive and we really had nowhere to ride one, so this is our kids first time owning a bike. We bought them on Black Friday last year and have been saving them.

It wasn’t Oliver’s birthday, but he got a bike too. He LOVES learning to ride it, and especially loves his Spiderman helmet. He actually wears it even on days when it is not nice enough outside to ride a bike. Hopefully we start getting consistent nice weather soon so the kids can spend more time learning to ride. We had so much fun celebrating Elora’s birthday, and I love how excited she is to celebrate special occasions. Happy Birthday sweet pirate girl!