Well, we are officially many months behind, but here are some fun pictures of the kids I have been collecting…

I taught a mommy and me music class this winter. Oliver loves music class, and it often continues all through the day… every day… especially the drums!

Marion got to come to class a couple times too. She loves instrument time the best. It is fun to have kid music in the house, even if it means lots of noise!

And when he is not making music, he is usually defending the universe with his light saber. Very important tasks for a four year old boy.

Marion loves to read books and can now be found sitting around the house reading to herself. I can’t believe how fast she is growing up. Her favorite books are all about animals.

On the 100th day of the school, Elora’s class all made posters with 100 things on them. Elora chose to put 100 beads on her poster, and then illustrated it with a nice scene that she found on the front of her pencil case that she got from Air Berlin on our flight back to America last year. You can see the bear enjoying a tropical paradise, and an airplane in the left corner. She was very excited about her poster and her 100 Day Party.

We made some smores in the house over tea lights. Chris got these awesome marshmallow roasters, but it was too cold to use them outside…

Elora put this little jar together and when I tried to take off the lid she said, “No! There is a scorpion in there and he will escape! I gave him a cowboy and an elephant for a snack.”

For Valentine’s Day, Elora not only wrote every kid in her class’ name on the envelopes, she drew them personalized drawings with some things she thought they would like. For example, Dallin’s is blue because that is his favorite color, and Landon’s has a derby car, because she plays derby cars with Landon on the bus. I am so amazed at how much she wanted to make each card special for her friends. Such a thoughtful girl.