For our church Christmas party, we were invited to be the nativity family. Luckily I have a few friends with nativity costumes. I borrowed this cute shepherd costume for Oliver and he was so excited about it, that he wore it every day for a week before the party. Here he is with his sheep (which he diligently carried around the house whenever his costume was on) and holding his shepherd’s cane (candy cane… I couldn’t find a real cane…) He told me, “I want to dress like a shepherd until Christmas.”

He spent a lot of time looking at our nativity and talking with the sheep in it. He also brought his dinosaur over to see the nativity. I guess he is a nice dinosaur, because he didn’t eat any of the sheep.

Marion came over to steal the sheep, but she couldn’t reach, so she settled for the dinosaur. Oliver was apparently really excited about the sheep, because normally he gets really mad if Marion tries to play with his favorite dino friend.

Oliver also played with his farm and found another sheep to carry around the house. He is a pretty cute shepherd, I am actually a little sad that we returned the costume now so he doesn’t get to wear it. Maybe I need to make him a shepherd costume…

Marion is really getting into music lately. We have a little CD player down where the kids can reach, and we had a Christmas CD in it for all of December. Marion had to turn it on every single time she walked in the room. Here she is (proudly holding Oliver’s sheep, which is actually hers unless Oliver is a shepherd – then he confiscates it) turning on the music and starting to dance. Looks like we have another music kid, I love it!

Elora had a little school Christmas program. She got to be a reindeer and memorize a little part to say. She was so excited, had everything memorized… and of course on stage she looked absolutely terrified. I watched as the microphone got closer and closer to her and she looked more and more nervous. But to my surprise she said her line with no prompting at all, and sang most of the songs. She didn’t look happy, but she did it, and I was so proud.

Here she almost smiled… I asked what her favorite part of her show was, and she said she liked singing “So This is Christmas”.

We got to go see her after the program. Marion clapped, while Elora held her proudly. Such sweet little girls.

We got a lot of packages in the mail because we do almost all of our Christmas shopping online, as well as a lot of our other shopping, including some groceries. When we got this box labeled, “HEAVY lift with care”, we were totally confused because neither Chris or I could figure out what we had ordered that was very heavy. When we opened it we laughed pretty hard when we realized our only “Heavy, lift with care” package we have every received was… Grape nuts. Awesome.