Oliver wanted to show off too, especially since he got to wear his “fancy hat” for the recital. The kids were so excited about their show. They had invitations to hand out, and Elora was excited to invite some of her friends. Oliver invited our neighbor Ila Mae to come, and was happy that she came to watch the show.

Elora has really learned a lot these past few months and loves to come home from class and show me all the ballet positions and new dance steps she has been learning.

I tried to get them to pose together… they were having a REALLY good time being goobers for the camera. It reminds us of this brother and sister combo.

Here is Oliver with his class. Left to right: Maddie, Oliver, Jane, Shayne, Willow, and Summer. I love the three year old class. They actually do know their dance, but put them on a stage and you never know what you will get.

Oliver LOVED his tap dance. This is his favorite part, when they get to play ring a round the rosie. He had a great time in his class, Maddie and Jane are two of his favorite little friends, so he was excited to get to dance with them.

It was so fun to watch Oliver dance. He was obviously having a great time and not feeling nervous at all.

Elora is funny, because she loves to dance at home, loves to show off and perform for her family, but you put her on a stage, and she is TERRIFIED. This time we tried to prep her for the fact that there would be people, but she just needed to look at us and not worry about the other people. We were very proud of her, she remembered most of her dances, it was just hard for her to smile because she was nervous.

Here is Elora’s class. Left to right: Jennifer, Elora, Maren. The other two girls are older than Elora and have been dancing for a few years already, so we thought she did a really great job for her first time performing.
This is Oliver’s ballet dance. I apologize about the filming. We didn’t know where he would be on the stage, so I had to move to a different spot in order to see him! You can tell he loves his dance class.
You can tell Elora is really nervous…
This is Oliver’s tap dance. It is his favorite! The kids forgot a little of the dance, which is a bummer because they actually know it really well. I guess some of them got a little stage fright! Another filming apology. Marion found a box with tape and a stapler and kept trying to staple things, so I was a little distracted.
This is Elora’s tap, which was also her favorite. She is still nervous, but she used to come home from dance class and excitedly tell me she was learning a dance about a puppy for sale!