Here are some random pictures from the last month.

When Chris was in Vegas, we got a book from the library called “Mickey and the Mystery of the Missing Muffins”. It was Oliver’s favorite book and came with a recipe for blueberry muffins. So we made some muffins! It was funny because Oliver doesn’t actually like blueberries in muffins, so he didn’t love these, but the kids sure were happy to make “Mickey’s Blueberry Muffins”.

Elora wanted curly hair for picture day at school, so we tried rag curls for the first time ever and then tied her hair up in a scarf just like my mom used to put over my sponge curlers when I was going to have picture day… Elora loved her fancy scarf.

She also loved her cute curly hair! She was so excited about it. And she was also excited to wear her Minnie Mouse shirt that Daddy gave her on picture day. I think she was missing her Daddy and this shirt reminds her of him.

As you can see, she was quite pleased. She ended up sharing it with a friend of hers on the bus that day and her friend liked it so much that Elora wanted to give her one. She came running in the house after school yelling, “Mom! Get a Kinderegg! I need to give one to Kaitlyn!” So I asked where Kaitlyn was, and Elora replied, “On the bus!!!”
Me: “The bus is still waiting?”
Elora: “YES! Get a kinderegg!!!!”
So I hurried and got an egg down so she could run back out to the school bus and give it to Kaitlyn. How funny is that? The bus driver actually waited so Elora could get something from home to share with her friend.