Since we got snow, we decided to take the kids and Tom out sledding! We went to our favorite hill on Cedar Mountain. There was not tons of snow, but we scooped some extra snow over the tallest weeds and Chris dug out the biggest rocks and we were able to get in some good sledding runs.

The first run of the day and Chris totally sprayed Oliver and Marion with snow. Ollie was SO DONE after that. It took awhile to calm him down and convince him that he should sled with Mom (because I NEVER spray kids with snow!)

After Elora went down a couple times and the run got faster, Elora started getting a little nervous.

And our sleds sometimes spin around and go sideways or backwards, and Elora was SCARED! I couldn’t believe it. She was done after a couple times going down backwards. But it was a nice warm day and she went off to play happily in the snow.

Marion had another go with Oliver and Daddy. She never really looked happy while sledding, but she LOVED watching everyone else go. Maybe when she is a little bigger she will see how much fun sledding is!

And here is another happy Ollie sledding picture. He had such a great time, and he even walked up the hill all by himself every single time. I couldn’t believe it. I never had to carry a kid up the hill. And he would have stayed all afternoon. Everyone else was getting tired of sledding and he just kept saying AGAIN!!!! So we would go again. And again. Even after everyone else walked back to the car to get hot chocolate… I would say, “One more time”. And Oliver would reply “14 more times!” which is Oliver speak for “a whole lot more times”.

Chris convinced Elora to go again and she closed her eyes. She told Chris, “It is so much more fun with your eyes closed!” As you can see by the look of bliss on her face.

Chris tried to take Marion one more time and got totally tangled up the sledding rope. Ha! Luckily he hung on to the baby.