So we are back-blogging from earlier in November. Our friend Tom who works with Chris came out to visit us a few weeks ago just before Chris and Tom headed off to a trade show. We were enjoying a nice sunny Saturday, so we decided to drive over to Bryce Canyon National Park. As we drove we headed into some deep dark storm clouds and arrived in Bryce… where it was snowing. Go figure.

Elora loved all the pretty “castle rocks” and contemplated who might be living in all the different castles. She was the best prepared for the weather with gloves, hat, vest, coat…

I think I was the coldest without hat or gloves… but I had a cute baby to snuggle with. Here we are showing Tom the view from one of the viewpoints. The clouds started to break and the sun gave us a beautiful clear view of the park.

Oliver eating snow… Elora was excited to eat snow too. We tried to tell them that they would get cold, but they didn’t believe us. Oliver ate and played in the snow the whole time and never complained… about 20 minutes in Elora started complaining that she was cold. The one with the sweater, hat, coat, vest, and gloves. Hmmm…

Elora was too cold to walk anymore, so she made Chris carry her over to see this awesome tree that fell over.

It looks like the kids are about to get thrown in the canyon! Elora was quite adamant that it was too cold to hike anymore at this point. She asked if she could go home and come back in the spring. So we walked a little further while Chris ran back to the car so he could drive it over to a nearby road and pick us up.

Elora loved this rock wall with the hole in it. She said it looked like a big white castle and made a picture of it when we got home. Her other favorite part of the hike? The pine cones we stopped to look at on the way back to the car.

Marion had a great time. No complaints here except that she didn’t get to walk on her own as much as she wanted. She loved walking in the snow for the first time and kept trying to take off her gloves so she could feel the snow. I love Bryce Canyon. It was so beautiful with the snow and blue skies. We will have to come back again soon when we are better prepared with snow boots and thermal underwear!!!!