This is a super old post I keep putting off as I try to post more date sensitive material. But now I have mostly caught up on my blogging, so here are some cute pics and the kids with the pets. The kids all LOVE the cat – maybe more than Scamper would like.

Scamper as it turns out is the perfect cat for us because she allows the kids to carry her all over the place, hold her funny, stick her in the sandbox, whatever. She takes all of it, and eventually if she gets tired of all the attention she will go climb a tree. But she always comes back for more.

Marion loves Yoda and will come to the door to hang out with him anytime he is around. She barks when she hears his name or sees him, and yells at us if we close the door without letting her go outside with the dog. Here he is licking her toes. She thinks that is pretty fun stuff.