Since I get to stay home with Oliver we have had some fun times together while Elora is at school. I think he has been enjoying his time with mom – he seems much more helpful than normal! But I know he misses Elora – as soon as she gets home he runs outside to play with her and I don’t see them until dinner.Oliver has been helping me in the garden. It is so funny because he gets really excited to help me pick the vegetables, even though he won’t eat most of them. Here he is with one of our Armenian cucumbers. He is SO excited about these big cucumbers. We also have in the bucket zuccini, pumpkin (which he is also very excited about) and some banana peppers. He loves to pick the peppers and takes a bite out of every single one. After his big bite he excitedly yells, “Yuck!”.
This outfit was Chris’ when he was little. He got it from a Japanese foreign exchange student who stayed with his family. It was right around the time Karate Kid came out, and his mom says that he wore it all the time. Oliver is a big fan (as is Elora) and wears it around the house. He only took it off when he started having a hard time getting his sword in his pocket and decided that his sword fighting would be easier without all the extra layers on.
Oliver spent one whole morning playing legos with me. It was amazing because he doesn’t usually sit still that long. First he built a temple, then a castle, then a belltower, then he was trying to decide where the little boy (whose name is Oliver, of course) should stand. “He wants to be by the bell. No, he wants to look at the yellow. He wants to go in the window. He likes the blue blocks.” It has been interesting to see how differently Oliver plays when he gets to be in charge of the games and Elora is not directing everything!Oliver got really sick last week – which means he was miserable and sick at night, but during the day he still doesn’t want to lay still or rest at all. Here he is jumping around on the bed and playing with the phone. I got him to sit still so I could give him a breathing treatment and then left the room for a couple minutes to answer the phone…
When I came back he had laid down, tucked himself in, and fallen asleep with the nebulizer still on. It was both one of the cutest and saddest pictures of him I have ever seen. Luckily he started feeling better after a couple days and now he is back to his old happy, busy self – just with a bit of a cough.