Elora found a preying mantis in the yard the other and was VERY happy about it. She was very careful to hold it on a stick so it wouldn’t poke her and carried it around the yard for awhile. She is quite a fan of bugs.
We set up the little pool for the kids to play in, and they enjoyed jumping in and out of the pool.
Elora was teaching David how to play chop chop timber, which is a great game from swimming that is meant to encourage the kids to jump in the water (and get their face wet). Elora ended up loving this game during swimming, Oliver is terrified of this game, but likes it in our little pool because when he jumps in his face doesn’t get wet!
We also started building a mudroom onto the front of our house. We had an open porch, but here are Chris and Jed framing it in. I am SO excited to have the extra entry to our home where we can put shoes and coats without dragging all the mud through the kitchen.