Our grass was dying since we never water it, so I called up my friend Kendalee and asked if I could borrow a sprinkler to try and save the lawn. Elora and Oliver were intrigued by the spraying water and asked if they could get on their swimsuits and play in it. Here they are deciding if this will actually be fun or not…
They loved it! As long as the water wasn’t turned up too high… They had a great time running around, and it was nice to have little kids to drag around the hose so that all the lawn got water.
Chris saw a butterfly and stood up on our porch railing to catch it. If you look closely, you can see that it is in his hand. He let it go before the kids could see it though because he didn’t want to hurt it… I am just impressed he could actually catch it. As for our lawn, after finally watering it, we got a huge rainstorm that night and the next day, so I guess I didn’t need to bother! But the kids had fun and our grass is once again sort of green.