Oliver got to take Mommy and Me swim lessons a couple weeks ago. He had a really great time, and I got to have fun dunking him under the water (which he DID NOT like) and teaching him to blow bubbles and float on his back (also DID NOT like!)
On the last day of class the teacher brought lots of fun floating toys. Here is Oliver and his little friend Maddie riding the big dragon. Oliver called it a giraffe. We were so excited that Maddie could be in his class. Her mom is one of my good friends and Oliver and Maddie will go to school together in a couple years.
Nemo was trying to bite their toes. It brought about loud girly shrieking from both children!
Oliver blowing bubbles!!!! It was such a big accomplishment to get him to put his face in the water. He never became a real fan of putting in his whole head (No!!!! I won’t jump in the water!!!!) or floating on his back (Aaaahhh!!! No on my back! I blow bubbles and kick!!!!) but he is really good at kicking his feet and now will blow bubbles for fun in the pool and bathtub.
My happy swimming boy! He loves the water.