We now bring to you a special welcome to the newest addition to our family. A kitten! A friend of ours had kittens they couldn’t keep, and being a softy, I couldn’t let the poor kitty go without a home.
The kids are sooooo excited about their new friend! We asked the kids to name her. First they agreed on Meow. But we thought maybe they should pick a better name. So Elora chose Scamper. That is such an Elora name. A nice descriptive word that describes the cat. Scamper the cat to go with Dirty Teddy. I love it. Oliver however, had a different name in mind. “No, not Scamper. It’s Special Delivery!!!” I love the name Oliver picked. Elora wouldn’t agree however, so she said, “Scamper is her real name and Special Delivery can be her nickname”. We decided on Dill for short. But in the end she has become Scamper, although when Oliver pretends to be a cat sometimes he names himself Dill.
We introduced Scamper to Yoda. The expression on her face pretty much tells you how she feels about the dog.
Chris has been working on a doghouse for Yoda. Now the animals share the house, with Scamper occupying the rafters and roof, and Yoda the ground floor. Here is Chris figuring out how to put on roof shingles. We haven’t put on the front door yet and the kids LOVE going inside the dog house with the animals, so I guess we will wait until closer to winter to put on the door. And hope that the novelty of crawling inside the animals’ house goes away… We’re going to be doing some work on our house soon, so it will probably end up being a stuccoed doghouse. Pretty sweet.
Here she is glaring at the camera. Scamper is a fun cat though, she loves to climb trees and pounce on wiggling grass. The first time she climbed one of our tall trees she wouldn’t come down for a whole day, so we got out a ladder to “rescue” her at Elora’s insistence. But after she climbed the same tree again and wouldn’t come down we determined that she needed to find her way down on her own!!! She is good with the kids and lets Elora carry her around on her shoulder and she sits pretty nicely in Oliver’s lap. It’s been fun having a new pet to play with.

OH how cute. That dog house is sweet! Looks like Yoda has a nice little friend to play with.
Ha ha, yeah, Yoda likes to play. Scamper… not so much!