A few weeks ago we decided Marion was ready to try baby food… she has been watching us eat intently for a few months now!
Not so sure what to think with the first bite…
But she decided she likes it!!! This kid took to eating incredibly fast, and will eat anything you give her. She is definately all about the food.
Because these pictures are from a few weeks ago, I should point out that she has also already tried biscuits, pancakes, bread, rice, and spaghetti — and loves them all. And she screams at you if you don’t share your food with her. Awesome.Marion is also army crawling all over the place. She will follow everyone around the house, try to eat the dirt and shoes in the shoe cubby, untie your shoelaces, and suck on your toes while you wash the dishes. She is turning into a very determined little person and although she is the happiest and sweetest baby in our lives, she also lets us know when things aren’t going her way!

Wow. She is getting so big!