I have some friends who still live in Orange County, so while at Sharon’s house some of us met for breakfast at a little creperie near Sharon’s house.Here is my friend Franklin, who I haven’t seen in fourteen years or so if you can believe high school was that long ago… He found this awesome little cafe that we met at, and it was so fun to hang out and get to chat about what we have all been up to all these years. And Franklin is so excited about his crepe he appears to be dancing!
So Juli came to a creperie and ordered… soup? What is that all about? But we love Juli anyway. I have known her since I was born, and it is always fun to get together.
I brought Oliver with me, and figured since he loves crepes I would order him one and that would keep him busy for awhile so I could chat with my friends… It was a huge full size Parisian style crepe that I rolled up for him so he could eat it easier. He downed the whole thing in about five minutes and asked for more!!! So then I had to entertain him with toys, and of course the bin of lollypops that was behind our table for patrons leaving the restaurant! I think I stopped him after he ate four or five.
Here we are! It felt just like old times, only now we are older… and I have kids I cart with me everywhere! I love this little cafe though, and since it is right by my sister’s house, I think I will be visiting it every time I am at her place!