While in California, we went to stay with my sister Sharon. It was so fun to spend time with her and her sweet boys, and the kids all had a great time together. The first day we were there, Cameron and Aidan were having a sock hop dance at their school. Too bad we didn’t have our poodle skirts with us, but we went along anyway!
There was a dinner beforehand provided by Ruby’s which is awesome, because I love their food! Here is Elora entertaining Drake while waiting for the food.
Elora loves Cameron, and she was so happy to hang out with him at his school. Here he is with his 50’s hair. And notice Elora’s dinner. She actually ordered a plain hamburger with no bun. And then ate Oliver’s hot dog too…
There was a live band singing all the 50’s hits, and Elora was having a great time rocking out to the music. So funny to see how excited all the kids were about the music!
Auntie Sharon and Drakey liked the music too!
Elora just couldn’t stop dancing, and asked me multiple times to take pictures of her. She is such a ham…
The best part was seeing Cameron dance with Elora. We are glad that he is still so sweet and takes such good care of his little cousin. Elora absolutely loves Cameron!
We walked over to the dance with these cute little twin girls who live in Sharon’s neighborhood, and Oliver developed quite the crush on them. He called them the princesses, followed them around all night, and then asked where they were for the next two days that we stayed at Sharon’s house!