Elora got this new shirt from Nana for her birthday. She loves it so much she drew a picture that looks like it and wrote “I love Maxi” (Maxi is our cat that lives with Grandma and Grandpa).
Elora loves to dance, and she definitely dances to her own beat! The kids love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concerts. Chris’ parents own a few of the concerts on DVD and we were privileged to watch them many times while staying with Nana and Grampy.
Oliver loves to conduct and sing music. And apparently the little stool to stand on helps him lead better, because now he always searches out items to stand on when he wants to conduct.
And lastly, Oliver leading his very favorite song.

I love your kids. As I was unpacking, I found a picture drawn by Elora. The movers had packed it up in Vienna, so now it is hanging on the fridge in my new home! Thanks, Elora~