After about… five years? I got to go hang out with some of my McCluer cousins (cousins on my mom’s side)! We hung out all the time as kids, and I have missed seeing them now that we all live in different parts of the country.
Does anyone know all the weird 1st cousin, 2nd cousin stuff? I think Colton and Marion are second cousins. Colton is my cousin Mike’s son. They look like they are conversing about some pretty important stuff.
My cousin Jennifer and I are almost exactly the same age and we had such a blast growing up. It was so great to see her after all this time! Here she is holding Colton, Elora in the middle had a great time meeting new cousins, and my baby cousin Katie all grown up is on the right.
Oliver found these awesome HUGE pipe cleaners to play with. It looks like a boa…
Sharon’s baby Drake is so funny. He crawls everywhere, eats cat food, and is so cute when he smiles and babbles at everyone.
Here we are — Mike, Katie, Jennifer, Me, and Sharon. We really need to get together more than once every five or six years — it was so fun to see everyone!