So this random girl we met many years ago turned out to be my (Chris’) long lost cousin. Who knew we had family on the east coast? Not me! Well, now she was getting married and we were thrilled to attend the rehearsal and wedding. Amy, the bride is my cousin.
This is one of our favorite pictures. Amy’s sister, my other long lost cousin, is on the far left. Her name is Cara. She used to work at Disneyworld, you can tell because she’s always so happy. Amy’s father, Bill is on the far right, with my not-long-lost aunt Sharon (not Amy’s mom) is on the right edge.
After the rehearsal, we went to dinner at a restaurant called The Common Man. It was a neat restaurant inside of a refurbished barn and had pretty tasty food. That’s Amy’s husband-to-be Paul. We’d never met before, so he’s like an unknown-future-cousin. In-law?Here are these two hotties we saw at the party. We decided to take their picture since they were so stunning.
There he is again making the moves on Amy’s sister. But seriously… the restaurant had these awesome crackers and cheese that you could go get out of a big bucket. Needless to say we got our money’s worth. Especially since we weren’t paying.
(Karen talking now) On Saturday morning before the wedding, I met up with my friends Anne and Michelle. We were all good friends way back in middle school and it was so fun to get together for the first time in… more years than I will admit!We were supposed to meet at a cute little cafe, but when we showed up it was closed! Turns out that the power was out because of a storm the night before, so the owner recommended another diner in the next town over — which was super crowded because everyone who wanted to go out to breakfast in the area had to find a place with the power on!
(Chris again) Errr…. no comment?
The morning of the wedding, Amy’s hairdresser crew came over and did a whole lotta hair and make-up for a whole lotta money.
We got to ride in a limo with lots of free drinks and good music.
Amy was rocking out to All the Single Ladies for one last time.
Here’s the cake! It was a nice winter themed wedding and the cake was really tasty. There was a red velvet layer, a carrot cake layer, and a white cake with chocolate truffle filling layer.
Check out those moves! And those galoshes. It was great to see Amy having so much fun after what must have been months of stress before the wedding.
How many people does it take to get the bride in her gown? From the looks of it, at least three…
Here’s the guys doing the famous Toyota jump. Amy is our hiking buddy and we always have one of these photos in our hiking trips. So it’s fitting to be memorialized in her wedding album.
Oh look, more jumping! The wedding photographer’s flash went off at the exact time we were taking this picture, which is why the colors are a little funny.
Amy’s Mom, my long lost aunt Nancy, has worked at a wedding reception hall for years. So it finally paid off. And we got to reap the rewards with some amazing food. Amy doesn’t eat meat, except for chicken. So I nicely tried to shove the beef tenderloin in her mouth.
Cara and her boyfriend Dan, or Dirk. Can’t remember which, but Dirk is pretty cool. Maybe it’s Dankirk? Nancy said, “After this wedding Cara is getting a check and a ladder.” I spent the whole night wondering what the ladder was for. It still doesn’t make much sense…
The happy father and mother of the bride. They look so nice in this picture.
We left the kids at home back in Arizona. We’ve never left Oliver overnight before. So we were a little concerned. But not too stressed. Still, we decided to check in on them before it got too late.
Amy went outside in the snow for some pictures and wore this awesome fur lined cloak.
Here we are together. Together. Together.
Oh here we are together. With Cara too.
On the ride back to the hotel, we got to cruise back in the huge Limo-bus. Free drinks inside, and a Bon Jovi concert on the Tv. We actually stayed at my other Aunt’s house on my Mom’s side. We had fun with Aldine and Jack and enjoyed their quaint New England house. Unfortunately, we didn’t take any pictures or get to spend more than a few hours with them. Just a quick trip out for the wedding and back again as we didn’t want to leave the 3 kids at Nana’s back in AZ (with a puppy) for too long!