We went to the zoo with Nana while we were in Arizona. The kids had such a great time, and the weather was perfect. When we walked into the zoo the kids grabbed a map – and on the cover was a koala bear. We asked what they wanted to see first, and Oliver pointed at the map and asked to see the koala bear! So off we went to the Australian section of the zoo to see kangeroos, koalas, and wallabies.
Elora checked out the map to see where she wanted to go next. I love this picture because this is SO Elora. She loves maps, and likes to check off what she has seen so she can make sure she doesn’t miss anything.
There were metal animal statues all over the zoo which were probably more of a highlight than the actual animals…
There was a nice petting zoo where you could pet the goats with curry combs. The kids thought this was pretty neat, and we probably spent about half of our zoo time over in the barn animal section of the zoo (which is hilarious to me, because pretty soon we will have all these animals as neighbors…)
There were some awesome tractors out in front of the barn which the kids really enjoyed playing on.
Deep down they really are country kids, and good thing too… we can’t wait to take them back to Utah where the great outdoors, farm animals, and tractors are a big part of life!
Oliver loves turtles of all shapes and sizes, especially the big desert tortoises.
We rode the endangered species carousel. Elora chose the dragon, I am not sure that those are endangered…
Oliver wanted to ride a “Big Cat” so he ended up on the cheetah, and wow, was he excited about this ride! It was so cute, probably the easiest time I have ever had taking a cute kid picture! Thanks Nana for the great day.