Church Friends

This post has pics from the last couple weeks in Vienna with various friends we met at church. I will admit that I feel the most homesick for Vienna when we go to church here in America. It is so different, I miss the diversity, the incredible spirit of our Vienna ward, the friendliness, and mostly I miss our wonderful friends we have made over the years. Thanks for making Vienna our home!Here is Oliver with his teachers, the Palicpics. They were amazing teachers, and Oliver absolutely loved them. Nursery every week was his favorite thing – and he would often ask to go to church even when it wasn’t Sunday! As soon as we would come into church Oliver would scan the building looking for his teachers. Here is Oliver with Mia. This was her baptism day. Oliver really loves Mia and likes to follow her around the church building. Elora decided that since he likes her so much that he should marry her when they get older. Oliver with his littlest nursery friend Jana (Jay-Jay).
Oliver and Ellie. Ellie is closer to Elora’s age, but since Oliver is used to having older girls around he really likes to play with Ellie!And of course, Oliver’s favorite lady – Heidi! We will miss her, she is such an amazing happy person and our kids adore her. She leads the music at church, so the kids like to play the “Heidi Game” where they take turns pretending to lead the music. So cute.
Oliver driving Marion around in one of the nursery trucks… I am not sure she was impressed with this game.
Christine and Elcid invited us over for dinner just before we moved. We had lots of good Filipino food. Christine really wanted us to try some new dishes, so we had Empanadas, fried chicken wings, and a noodle dish that I can’t remember the name of… but it was all very tasty, and there was enough food to feed a small army so we were all stuffed!
Marion had a great time! She smiles at everyone nowand is such a sweet, happy baby.
Our friends Bindi and Simon had a small get together for us a few days before we left. Thanks to Bindi for putting it all together! Bindi was my first friend in Austria, and her son Charlie is one of Elora’s favorite people. She is already asking if he is back in Australia so she can go visit him there. Elora and the rest of the kids had a great time playing dress up!
Elora’s favorite costume was the blow up unicorn. Very good fun.
Oliver found some toy buses and was occupied for the rest of the evening.
Elora and Mia.
The whole crew! Back row, left to right: Chris, Krista, Jason, Sarita, Bindi, Marion, Om, Brooke, Oliver, Karen, Simon, Summer, Mia, Todd. Middle: Cara, Ken, Braden, Zach, Hannah, Charlotte. Front: Ellie, Leah, Elora, Luca, Jana, Charlie. There was good food and it was nice to have one last get together before moving home.
On our last day Om and Brooke came over to help us ship some boxes. Ellie and Elora had a great time trying to shrink wrap Om so we could bring him home with us.

Oliver loves doors. Especially this door at the church. Every Sunday after church he runs outside so he can open and close the door… This was our last Sunday in Vienna. I don’t think words can express how much we loved living in Vienna. We learned many lessons, made many friends, saw many great places, and became better people from living in Austria. We will be forever grateful for our many wonderful experiences we had there, and the many friends we made.Here is Ollie Closing the Door… for the last time!

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