One of the last touristy things we did in Vienna was to visit the Imperial Crypt and take the kids out for a fancy cup of hot chocolate.
This crypt is where many of the Haupsburgs are burried. Needless to say the coffins are very ornate. It’s strange the fascination with death they had.
It seems now we tend to ignore it, but back then it was clearly thought about a lot, which seems perhaps a bit healthier since death is an obvious part of life.
Today skulls are a symbol of something creepy and almost sinster — yet we all have one. Here are the most powerful people in the world decorating their final resting place with icons which today we find dark and devilish. The symbol of the skull has really changed it’s meaning!
I wonder what statment they were trying to make with these crowned skulls. Perhaps it’s as if to say, “Even in death, I am still the emperor.”
This statue rests on top of one of the coffins. The messages of most of the crypt art seems to be death and sorrow and despair. That’s interesting considering all of these people were religious and believed their death would mark the beginning of joys in the world to come.
More sorrowful imagery. As I was walking around, I noticed I could line up the statue and the lighting just right for some interesting photographs.
The kids were there too, and making lots of noise. Here is Elora holding out her fingers to tell Oliver she’s going to get “Two” gurkas (cucumbers) out of her backback.
Elora was interested by the little baby coffin. These ones are always the saddest. Elora is always more interested in the little coffins or gravestones.
This triumphant angel statue is perhaps the only hint of joy in the crypt.
Elora really liked this wall of rocks and wanted to have her picture taken by it. Oliver, meanwhile, was running around singing at the top of his lungs!
Here they both are next to the Kaiser Franz Joseph, who started WWI and didn’t live to see the end of it. Oliver was kicking his feet against the marble step because it made an interesting noise. Fortunately, no one was around to see or hear his disrepectful act before we hurried him away!
Next, it was on to Cafe Demel, the place we were told has the best chocolate in Vienna. We agree! In the back of the cafe you can see the chefs at work in the kitchen. Notice that huge horse cake, partially cut off, in the bottom right corner!
While we were looking at the menu to decide what to order, Oliver decided the menu made a better song book and sang us a song. He was singing Hallelujah for us. It was very cute. Unfortunately, some crotchedy old lady from around the corner sneered at us, so we had to tell Oliver to sing quietly.
Elora, as always, was happy to lavish Marion with attention.
Our hot chocolates arrived! The kids were very excited to have their very own. You can see how pleased Elora is.
She looks like such a coffee shop natural! She’s going to grow up wondering why she has such a longing for sitting around in cafes. She’s already an exceptionally slow eater, so she’ll fit right into the culture of hanging out in cafes and taking 2 hours to eat a meal.
We had too many cute pictures of Elora not to put this one up! We gave them spoons to eat their hot chocolate and it kept them occupied the whole time we were there. The kids were so excited it makes us want to take them out for treats more often.
Not much to say here… Ollie just looks cute.
After the hot choclate we had finger lickin’ Kaiserschmarrn and a chocolate souffle. Both were very delicious.